مرکز آزمون زبان- ساختار آزمون
ساختار آزمون

بازیابی تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/12/11 | 

آزمون در مجموع شامل 100 سوال و سه بخش است.

بخش اول: واژگان 35 آیتم

بخش دوم: گرامر 35 آیتم

بخش سوم:  مهارت خواندن و درک مطلب  30 آیتم

اطلاعات دقیق تر را در بخش زیر مطالعه بفرمایید. 



Test Sections


 The Vocabulary Section

The vocabulary section tests the vocabulary knowledge of candidates. The vocabulary items will be selected on the basis of their frequency of use in academic contexts such as books, journal articles, and academic lectures. Candidates are supposed to be familiar with word meanings, collocation patterns, and vocabulary use


 The Grammar Section

The questions in this section assess candidates' knowledge of the frequently used English language structures in formal academic discourse. Candidates are supposed to be able to distinguish between well-formed and accurate structures and ill-formed, incorrect ones.


The Reading Section

The passages and texts in the reading section come from books, magazines, papers, and other resources with general academic focus. The themes are chosen from a range of general topics that could be related to general issues in different disciplines. The difficulty level of the texts is similar to general academic texts. The questions will check how well the candidates understand the text and whether they can successfully extract the information necessary to answer each item. More specifically, the reading questions will test the candidates' detailed understanding of the specific points as well as their general understanding of the main idea, major point(s), or the writer's views. Furthermore, in answering a number of the items, candidates must be able to use reading strategies effectively and appropriately. Although all the questions are designed to be answered in a general multiple choice format, items of various functions such as multiple choice matching and multiple choice summary completion are also included in this section


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